COVID-19 Guidelines
Returning to In-Person Worship
Worship Safely
‘May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.’
— Numbers 6:24-26 New Living Translation (NLT)

Sweet Home – The Pinnacle of Praise offers a modified worship service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays ONLY at 11:00 AM.
Doors open at 10:30 AM and are locked at 11:40 AM or once capacity is reached.
Our seating capacity has been reduced to a maximum of 250 people in the Sanctuary. Once that number has been reached the doors will be locked.
During our public worship services we are resolved to gather wisely and follow all state and local health guidelines. To make our gathering low risk to the individual and no risk of large spread to our community, we stay 6 feet apart, limit service length, and wear masks while indoors. For more information, please read our full Reopening Responsibly Guide.
Sunday School, Nursery, Children and Youth (NCY) church have been temporarily suspended until further notice.
Important Note
STAY SAFE. Please stay home if any of the following applies:
You are displaying any illness symptoms (cough, fever of 99.6 or above, sore throat, etc.)
You have been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days or traveled internationally or to any location identified as a hotspot for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
You are at high risk due to health or age.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our primary motivation for modifying our in-person worship services are two-fold: first, our submission to governing authorities and second, our love for our neighbor(s).
Additionally, while the full extent of the dangers of this disease are still being uncovered, it is clear that COVID-19 presents a significant health danger to vulnerable members of our community – namely the elderly and immunocompromised.
As such, we are glad to voluntarily modify our gatherings of worship to express submission and love in this time of global pandemic.
We have implemented a stringent sanitization protocol for the worship spaces and common areas.
Hand sanitizers, masks and gloves are available at the entrance.
Sanitization Stations are available in various locations throughout the building.
Social Distancing markings are visible and signage prominently displayed.
Your giving continues to be an important act of worship. You can continue to faithfully give in-person, online or by mail.
To give online, click here.
If you prefer to give by mail, you can send checks or money orders payable to “Sweet Home” to:
3200 Sunrise Rd., Round Rock, TX 78665
Doors will open at 10:30 AM. Greeters will be at the entrances to guide and assist you. Please follow their directions.
Upon entry, you will be directed to a COVID-19 screening station. Please follow all instructions as you enter the building.
You will likely be excited to see your friends. However, do not congregate in large or small groups, anywhere on the church campus. Avoid shaking hands, hugging, or other activity that does not comply with our social distancing protocols. Air hugs, waves, thumbs up and head nods are appreciated.
Please carry all conversations off the church campus.
People in the same household will be seated together, others will be seated separately. Once seated please do not change seats and remain seated except to use the facilities.
Please do not congregate at the entrances and exits. DO NOT REENTER THE BUILDING.
Restrooms will be open and signage posted with social distancing guidelines.
Our worship services include songs of praise and worship, prayer, and a sermon.
You may give your offering in-person, on-line, or via the U.S. Mail.
For the protection of yourself and your fellow worshipers we require you to wear gloves and a face covering of some kind – paper or cloth mask, bandana or scarf while inside the building during worship time.
The following websites publish responsible and helpful information on public health and the spread of the Coronavirus: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Coronavirus Page.
For information specific to Texas, we regularly consult our state-specific Coronavirus website.
Local Guidelines:
Travis County | Williamson County | Testing Sites
Firstly, you should follow the directives of public health officials and the advice of medical experts. You can also use this time to develop a new skill, learn a trade and invest more time in your immediate family.
Spiritually, it is important during this time that you realize that God is still sovereign. He is in control and there is nothing under the sun that is a surprise to Him. Nor is this season of life something that He has allowed to occur without reason.
This is a season for Spiritual development because you have more time to spend in prayer and Bible study. Serve as a light in these dark times so that others can see a God who still gives joy in you…Even in times of struggle and disaster.
Finally, always find reasons to be thankful for they will help you not to slip into depression or fear or weariness due to what you see happening all around you.