120 Years of Praising, Enduring, and Pressing Forward

120 Years of Praising, Enduring, and Pressing Forward…

And I also say to you that you are [a]Peter, and upon this [b]rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. overpower it. - Matthew 16:18 (NASB)


Ephesians 4:11-12 (NIV): So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors, and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.


The historical roots of the Sweet Home Baptist Church (Round Rock, TX) humbly began on January 8, 1905. On this date, the Rev. S.W. Wormley traveled from Sprinkle, TX to Round Rock, TX, to meet with a committee of local religious leaders to discuss establishing a second African American Baptist Church in Round Rock, TX.


The church remained at 706 South Morrell Street,Round Rock, TX, until 1960, when it was moved farther back on the property to make room for the interstate highway, now commonly known as IH 35. The address was changed to 700 South IH 35 at McNeil Road. Sweet Home was located at these two locations for over 80 years combined.


In 1985, because of increased growth, a new church edifice was acquired, and on May 12, 1985, the Sweet Home congregation engaged in a historic 1.2-mile candlelight march to their new location at 800 Deepwood Drive. This site served the Sweet Home family for over twenty-two years.


In 2007, the Sweet Home congregation again found that it had outgrown its current worship space. On Saturday, December 11, 2010, with many of the area’s dignitaries on hand, the church conducted the Groundbreaking Ceremony for its new worship center at 3200 Sunrise Road, where it is affectionately referred to as The Pinnacle of Praise. The Grand Opening was celebrated on Sunday, November 11, 2012.


Meet Our Pastor

Dr. Dante D. Wright I

20+ Years of Leadership

Dante D. Wright I, Ph.D. is nearing two decades as the Senior Pastor of Sweet Home – The Pinnacle of Praise in Round Rock, Texas. Dr. Wright is a man of God with purpose, passion, and persistence to preach, teach and serve in both the sanctuary and seminary. He is a former Assistant Professor of Christian Studies at Anderson University and has served as an adjunct professor at Criswell College, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Anderson University.

Dr. Wright earned two athletic scholarships, leading him to follow his passion for football and to earn his first post-secondary degree in 1991.

An esteemed football player, his talents and his enthusiasm for football evolved into a career as the wide receiver coach at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, followed by other career coaching opportunities at: University of North Texas, Northwestern State University, and Arkansas State University.

Although coaching was his passion; Dr. Wright’s call into the gospel ministry proved even more powerful. He embraced the ultimate call on his life to surrender to full-time ministry; and, in a giant leap of faith, he resigned from Arkansas State University and became the full-time Senior Pastor at True Light Baptist Church, Blytheville, Arkansas.

Dr. Wright’s extensive ministry and service includes membership and leadership among many notable Boards of Directors and organizations, including the election as Vice-President and Recording Secretary of the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention; as well as serving as a member of: Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc., Academy of Homiletics, Criswell College Board of Trustees, Evangelical Homiletical Society, and the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

He has served as the keynote speaker and lectured at many historic academic institutions, including Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Liberty University Rawlings Divinity School, and Huston-Tillotson University.

Dr. Wright earned an Associate Degree in 1991, Cisco Junior College, Cisco, Texas; a B.S. in 1994, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, Missouri; an M.A. in Christian Leadership in 2000, an M. Div. Degree from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, Lynchburg, Virginia, a D. Min with an academic concentration in Homiletics from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary; a Th.M. from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; and a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies with an emphasis in Homiletics at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Dr. Wright is a devoted father, a lifelong learner and remains an impassioned football fan. In his spare time, you will find him reading or watching football.

3 Ways to Give


By Mail

3200 Sunrise Rd.
Round Rock, TX 78665